Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.What is the name of your business?Who is the primary contact at your company for this development project?Primary contact's email address:Who is the primary contact for billing purposes?Primary billing contact's phone number:Primary billing contact's email address:Billing Address (Include Street Address, City, State, and Zip Code):What is your URL?Who is your domain registrar? (GoDaddy, Network Solutions, GoogleDomains, etc)Do you have login credentials for your domain registrar?YesNoWhat is the username and password for your domain registrar? (Be sure to use proper capitalization.)Where is your site currently hosted? (HostGator, GoDaddy, etc)Do you have the login credentials for the host?YesNoWhat is the username and password for the host? (Be sure to use proper capitalization.)Do you have email set up on your primary website domain? (ex. [email protected])YesNoAre you interested in installing call tracking on your site?YesNoDo you use a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system? (Ex. HubSpot, SalesForce, PipeDrive, etc)YesNoWhat CRM do you use?What is the primary focus of your website? (Check all that apply.)Generate callsGenerate emails/contact formseCommerces/sell productsInformational/share services offeredOtherWhat target demographic are you trying to reach through your website?What city/state will be your primary target?For design purposes, are there other websites that you like the look and feel of? Provide URLs below.What type of imagery do you envision?LandscapePeopleConceptualIllustrationsOtherDo you have a color scheme you'd like for us to work off?I have an existing color schemeI have a vision for a color schemeI have no color scheme or preferenceTell us your vision for your color scheme (Use RGB, HEX color code, or CMKY value codes if possible):Do you have a logo you'd like to use or do you need a new one?I have a logo I would like to useI need a new logo designed for meDo you have logos for trust icons, partners, memberships, etc. that you'd like on your website?Trust IconsPartnersMembershipsOtherDo you have images you'd like to use on your website?YesNoApproximately how many pages will be on your site?Do you have content for all pages on the site?I have all the content written for the siteI would like to carry over the content from my old siteI will need Rexpert Marketing to write new contentAre you adding a staff/team page?YesNoWill you be blogging?YesNoIs there a footer Call-to-Action you’d like to include, which would be displayed sitewide? (If so, please write it.)Do you have a Privacy Policy ready and available?YesNoDo you have a Terms and Conditions page ready and available?YesNoProvide Contact Page information such as all phone/fax numbers, physical address (we typically include a Google map with it), any applicable business operating hours, etc.Provide any specific form fields you'd like to include on the Contact form (our standard form includes Name, Phone, Email & Message)What email should we use for contact form notifications? (Should be one checked regularly.)Please provide URLs to your social media profiles that you want associated with your website.Will your website be an online store?YesNoNot sureMessageLet's Do It!